When Nehemiah ordered that the walls of Jerusalem be dedicated, we see an amazing picture of joy and celebration. I commented in my last Well Drops message how Doug, Frank, and I had a great vision and dream for this church. I'll admit that there have been times I've really wondered what things could look like in one year... in two years... in five years. Think of the souls touched and the lives changed! Certainly a picture worthy of celebration!
I have always found ancient history interesting whether it be about Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, or the various people groups we read about in the Bible. One thing I've noticed about many cultures is that following a great victory or accomplishment, many societies would establish a period of celebration, games, or festivities. This was a time when everyone could relish in their accomplishments and congratulate one another. When our victories are victories in Christ, we are inclined to function very differently. A victory is a cause to launch into the next mission rather than a cause to sit back and relax.
And on that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy. The women and children also rejoiced. The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away. At that time men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, firstfruits and tithes. From the fields around the towns they were to bring into the storerooms the portions required by the Law for the priests and the Levites, for Judah was pleased with the ministering priests and Levites. They performed the service of their God and the service of purification, as did also the musicians and gatekeepers, according to the commands of David and his son Solomon. (Nehemiah 12:43-45)
The people of Israel achieved a huge construction milestone and immediately dove into the next task.
The idea of ministry "burnout" is very real. When you have the typical 20/80 rule (20% of the people doing 80% of the work), it can be emotionally draining and exhausting. When I was working youth ministry for the first time, I got drained. I put everything I had into it and was left empty after a couple years. Fast forward a few years later to me taking time off, reading a couple books, and doing a lot of praying. Suddenly I was doing the same amount of work (or more), but my outlook was entirely different. I left each Wednesday physically drained, but emotionally amped and eager for the next challenge. That's when I had the realization that there is a difference between doing good and noble things with a focus on "me" versus good and noble things with a focus on Christ's kingdom.
When you see the objective as a measure of attendees, letters of gratitude, or any other worldly measure, you're bound to be disappointed. You can never achieve "enough". However, when you see the objective as the realization of God's kingdom, each ounce of energy poured into a thing turns into another step towards glory.
From time to time, I think there is value in getting away when burnout occurs. We all need a breather from the physical and emotional toll ministry can place on us. When those times come, we should try to re-center our focus on what is truly important and what real "success" in ministry looks like. Our goal should be to live and work like the Israelites during the time of Nehemiah where instead of sitting back on our accomplishments or efforts, we find ourselves energized by our labor and ministry. There is no rest of the wicked, so we (collectively) should always be ready and always on our guard to labor in whatever mission field God has brought before us.
DAILY PRAYER A Prayer for Energy and Motivation Lord, we sometimes get so tired of the stress, the arguments, the drama, and just the normal grind of our regular ministry duties. When all these things drain our energy, give us clear sight of the goal you have set before all of us. Help us to see your glory in the trials and triumphs we are bound to experience. Motivate us to continue moving forward even when we feel we can't move another inch. Help us to find our focus and encouragement in you and your kingdom. In your name we pray, Amen.