What’s in a name? As a society, sometimes we often look at names based on worldly
approval or praise. Will everyone think it’s original?…Will everyone know it reminds us
of someone we once knew?...Will it impress everyone?
In Jewish tradition, names were looked at as more than just a name….it would
transform a person’s character or identity. It was more than just about who the person
was, but was also about who the person would become.
I recently looked up my name to know what it meant. “Charlene” means free woman. I
wasn’t overly thrilled to read this because I have never thought of myself as a free
woman. I have often thought of myself as someone who loves control and have always
struggling with the idea of letting go and living freely. During home church one Sunday,
we talked about the significance behind a name. My husband had to remind me that
my name, “free woman”, may not be who I exemplify right now, but may actually be who
I still have time to become. I’m grateful that my name is not something that I have to
become on my own, but instead is who I can become in Christ. Because there is no
one else I would rather be, than a woman free from the bondage of sin.
In the Bible, we have different names for the many different attributes of God. As I have
grown to know him more, I have better understood the different names based on my
experience from knowing him. Although, some of my favorite ones include “El Shaddai”
(all sufficient one), “Jehovah Jireh” (Lord who provides), “YHWH” (name of God), and
“Elohim” (supreme/powerful/mighty one)…there has always been one name above the
When I was a little girl and living in New York City, I would often times get scared that I
would get lost or stolen from my parents. I would ask my mom what I should do if that
ever happened. She would always reply with the same thing every time, “just say the
name of JESUS”. She would remind me that there is power in His name. Years later, I
still find myself not only believing this, but also telling my own children the same thing.
So, of all the names we can choose from, I think there is only one name above all
names…and that is JESUS.
When you feel controlled by the bondage of sin….JESUS.
When you feel lost or stolen…..JESUS.
There is power in only one name…..JESUS.