Different for a Reason
The Well Community Church exists to be a reflection of Christ in how we love, how we learn, how we serve, and how we worship. Jesus didn't seek the comfort of synagogues and like-minded people, so why should we? We have a passion for people and the community around us. We want to be a church that is where the people are. Come join us as we start something new and experience church in a totally different way.
Check Out Our Content
Want to see some of what The Well has to offer? Check out some of the many samples of our content we offer online!
Check out messages from Pastor Joseph and others who have given messages to our Hub and Home Church locations!
Home Church Videos
Home Church participates in sermons through Guided Lessons. These lessons mirror the sermons given at Hub Church, but are formatted in an interactive manner.
Each week our church puts out an e-mail bulletin called "Well Drops". This is typically accompanied by a devotion based on topics facing us as a society, as a church, or as individuals.

David Platt
Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream
"I could not help but think that somewhere along the way we had missed what was radical about our faith and replaced it with what is comfortable."